What the Dickens?

Did you know that the phrase ‘What the dickens?’ doesn’t actually refer to Charles Dickens at all since it was used before he was even born? Shakespeare used the phrase in III, ii of Merry Wives of Windsor, but it was seen in writing in as early as the 1500s. According to The Guardian, some say that it derived from a Dickins or Dickson, a bowl maker who had a habit of losing money. What the dickens? Well, at least we can’t blame Charles…

I’ve decided to enter the Charles Dickens Reading Challenge hosted by Abby, from Newly Impassioned Soul.

Charles Dickens reading challenge

I know I am a bit late to join and it’s not exactly the beginning of the year; however, I hope to read three of his books to celebrate it being the bicentenary of his birth. I have already finished Great Expectations earlier this year in January, so I suppose that counts as one to cross off my list. I have also read Little Dorrit, A Christmas Carol and Oliver Twist; however, none of those were read this year.

As part of the challenge, I would like to read:

1. Great Expectations

2. Bleak House

3. Our Mutual Friend

How exciting! Thanks to Abby for organising this challenge.

Which Dickensian books are you reading this year?


“Reality Faced by Book Reviewers,” by Charlie Brown

Watchable Wednesdays

True to its name, every Wednesday I hope to share with you videos which I have enjoyed and think you might, too.  We all need a bit of cheering up to last until the end of the week, don’t we?

Charlie Brown reveals the truth behind the book reporter.  Kids’ cartoon, or satirical microcosm of the book blogger’s world?!

Haha, it leaves me in fits of giggles.  As seen on Scribblings of My Pen and Tappings of My Keyboard – thanks, Anne!
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not actually called “Reality Faced by Book Reviewers, Book Bloggers, Et Al.,” but simply: “The Book Report.”
Enjoy the rest of the week.

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

Watchable Wednesdays

True to its name, every Wednesday I hope to share with you videos which I have enjoyed and think you might, too.  We all need a bit of cheering up to last until the end of the week, don’t we?

This is such a sweet animation, it will surely brighten up your day.

Found via The Happiest Cow! That blog is great.


Great Expectations (TV mini-series)

Rating: 5 out of 5 somersaults.

The BBC’s lavish production of ‘Great Expectations,’ which finished airing last night on PBS, was both breathtaking and spine-chilling. I watched it in December when it fist aired here in the UK and absolutely loved it.

The clean cinematography made the programme visually stunning and greatly aided the director, Brian Kirk, in bringing his new take on Dickens’ classic story to life.

The acting was also out of the ordinary. The series got off to a sumptuous start with wide-angle shots of a gloomy swamp, which looked like a clip from a horror film. The steel, unsaturated look captured perfectly the squirmish feelings which I had when I read the opening chapter of the novel. I also found Orlick and Magwitch to be suitably vile.

Gillian Anderson, who played the infamous Miss Havisham, did a wonderful job. The forty-three year old actress is the youngest to have ever played the part; therefore, she was naturally put under the spotlight by critics. I found that her youthful portrayal of the old woman was fresh as she showed that Miss Havisham may old in her mind after refusing to leave Satis House on her wedding day, but truthfully she is young in spirit. She represents the destruction love can make on the young and passionate. Her frail white hair and lips, paired with her soft, eery voice made me shiver. Anderson is not unknown to Dickens adaptations, and she may be familiar to you as Lady Dedlock from Bleak House (2005).

Douglas Booth, who played Pip as a young man, was praised by the press for his accomplished acting; however, many disagree as to whether he was right for the part. Some said that he was too good-looking to play Pip, even more so than Estella, who was played by Vanessa Kirby. Since Estella is meant to be a heart-breaker, they argue that she should be stunning compared to a more ordinary-looking protagonist, Pip. For myself, I cannot see how casting the Burberry model/actor should make the series any less agreeable. It just reinforces the stylised take Kirk has made on the novel and adds to the sense of fantasy which Dickens created.  The adaptation involves a lot of an artist playing around and experimenting, and I think it paid off.

The only major turn-off for me was the gory scenes of violence; however, Dickens used strong references to violence in his plot lines, anyway. The BBC did not invent Victorian England! Besides, I’m a squirmer and can’t stand that kind of thing, so it might not bother some others.

Overall I thought the production was fantastic. It was extravagantly done and on the cinematography alone, I would give it a rating of five somersaults. Add in Douglas Booth’s chiselled cheek-bones and Gillian Anderson’s hair-raising presence, and you have me on board.

My thoughts on the book are recorded here.


Photos: BBC

The History of the English Language in 10 Minutes

Welcome to Somersaulting Through Life’s new weekly feature:

Watchable Wednesdays

True to its name, every Wednesday I hope to share with you videos which I have enjoyed and think you might, too.  We all need a bit of cheering up to last until the end of the week, don’t we?

To kick off, here is a thoroughly informative and entertaining cartoon documentary of the birth of the English language.  It is the first of a 10-part series by the Open University, which I highly recommend for all avid readers or any who are interested in the words we use on a daily basis.

The full length version (PG) only takes up 10 minutes of your time and is sure to make you chuckle.  The cartoons are rather “Horrible Histories”-esque and that is why I like them.  My personal favourite is Chapter III: Shakespeare – a perfect example of an educational diversion from the stress of weekdays.

I hope you enjoy.

Thoughts on Reading ‘Great Expectations’

Last weekend, one of my favourite screen adaptations from last year visited the televisions of those of you over the pond. Great Expectations continues on PBS this weekend, starring Gillian Anderson, Douglas Booth and others. After you have all finished watching the final episodes, I’ll post my review.  Meanwhile, here are my thoughts on the novel itself…

Miss Havisham

Gillian Anderson as Miss Havisham in the BBC's Great Expectations. Photo: BBC

I read the book a few months ago and thought that it would make sense to post my reflections on one of Charles Dickens’ most famous pieces of work. I am no expert on Charles Dickens, nor do I pretend to be, so please read my thoughts with that in mind – these are simply my meanderings.

Great Expectations

Rating: 4 out of 5 somersaults.

Favourite character: Herbert Pocket

Least favourite character: Orlick

A favourite quotation:

“Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are the rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts.”

(Warning: Spoilers)

Although Dickens wrote about the grim skyline of London in the 19th century, he added sparkle and wit paired with mystery and suspense to make the novel an enjoyable read, despite the often strange and eerie atmosphere which was intentionally created. The narration was wonderful and I particularly enjoyed the humorous aspects of the dialogue; for instance, the cautious Mr Wemmick and Pip visiting his “castle” and the charmingly hilarious occasions when Joe and the young Pip were learning how to spell. I loved this moment when the young Pip, dreaming of becoming apprenticed to Joe, wrote a message for him on his slate:


“Astonishing!” said Joe, when I had finished. “You ARE a scholar.”

Towards the end, I admit that the protagonist, Pip, was starting to get on my nerves. I found his character frustrating because he simply could not see that Estella was manipulative, spoilt and abhorrent. He might have been blinded by love, but I thought he was just blind altogether. I found the villains of the story creepy and gruesome; however, they were the ones who kept me turning the pages as I needed to make sure that “the good ended happily, and the bad ended unhappily. That is what fiction means,” (to quote the omniscient Miss Prism).

After reading the novel, I felt extremely dissatisfied with the ending. Did Estella deserve Pip? No. My immediate reaction was that I wished Pip had fallen in love with Biddy and ended up marrying her; however, I gradually saw the flaws with this proposed ending. Firstly, Biddy was too nice for Pip, who was too materialistic and bad with money. Joe, although described as “the village idiot,” was at least honest and kind-hearted. The only satisfactory ending for me was the marriage between the colourful Herbert Pocket and the sweet (but boring) Clara Barley.

I have also read that the original ending was written so that Estelle married again and Pip was left alone and single. Would this have been more appropriate? I think it would. I do not believe that Estella deserved him, and in many ways, Pip did not deserve her. If they had married, things would not have ended well. Pip sees everything surrounding her as rose-tinted, and he fails to see reality. Estella, on the other hand, is too obnoxious and cruel. Ultimately, we are meant to feel that she has changed and moved on, but I am still left with doubts.

I realise that Great Expectations is not a romantic novel; it is a story full of villains, heroes, humorous storylines, twists and subplots. This is Dickens, not Austen. Yet, if they are definitely not going to marry ‘happily ever after,’ why does the author have to waver between a half-hearted marriage used as a simple plot device, and one which would be miserably depressing, yet more dramatic. Personally, endings have a bigger dramatic impact if they are definite, not ambiguous. Apparently, Dickens’ publishers complained that the original ending was too sad; however, Great Expectations is a sombre book in many respects and I think that it would have fitted in more with the novel as a whole.

I hope that you do not think that I am being too negative. Let me reassure you, although there were some things which I found frustrating about the novel, I read through it with great enthusiasm and animation. I have given it 4/5 somersaults because it is a brilliant work of fiction on a completely different level to other (dare I say, contemporary?) books. I loved it; however, I did not enjoy it as much as I enjoyed reading Little Dorrit where Amy Dorrit and Arthur Clennam were more amiable characters than Pip and Estella, I found.

What were your thoughts? Have I got it completely wrong? (I might have.) I’d love to hear your opinions, too.


Edit: See here for thoughts on the BBC’s adaptation (2011).

To Edinburgh with Love

What a fascinating mystery! The sculptures are beautiful.

Planet Edinburgh

Last summer a set of dazzling paper sculptures began popping up at strategic locations all over Edinburgh. The story took off on twitter and eventually on news sites around the world. As more and more of these incredible objects appeared an irresistible puzzle began to unfold.

What makes a good mystery story? Well first of all you need a great setting (Edinburgh would suffice). Then if you can cobble together a cast of compelling characters, throw in a few twists and maybe a murder or two you’re already half way there. What about a whodunit using Edinburgh’s literary establishment as the canvas? The culprit – a renegade artist – would leave clues scattered around the city, intricate sculptures handcrafted from Scottish novels and poems. That might just work: ‘The Strange Case of the Paper Sculptures’.

Oops. I’m afraid that’s already been done. Pity. But before we go any further there…

View original post 642 more words

Harry Potter Studio Tour Opens Today

The Harry Potter studio tour looks fascinating! Also, for those who haven’t already heard, the Harry Potter books are now available to download as ebooks from the Pottermore website. Has anyone bought any yet? Personally, I don’t see the point in buying them online because I’ve already read them. The whole collection of ebooks is £38.64 and the whole collection of audiobooks is £167.34.

Reading > Eating

Before now, I’ve never really counted how many books I read, except for when I used to keep a ‘reading journal’ at the age of six.  However, I signed up for a Goodreads account about a week ago and have already found it to be rather fruitful.

2012 Reading Challenge

2012 Reading Challenge

Somersaulting Through Life has read 7 books toward her goal of 30 books.


I have decided to pledge thirty books to read this year.  Hopefully, I will surpass this number; but since I have never counted how many books I read per year, I found myself to be rather clueless as to how many to aim for.  Thirty seemed like a wholesome number.

If you endeavour to glance at my list of ‘read’ books, you will discover that I have a rather odd, eclectic taste, lacking in numbers.  Please bear in mind that I have only started to click off books, and gradually the list will accumulate.  It is rather hard to make a list of all the books that you have read in your entire life, and has left me slightly perplexed.  According to my recommendations which Goodreads puts forward, my favourite genres are: Classics (accurate – I am trying to immerse myself!), Historical Fiction, Chick Lit (I suppose if you count Austen and Gaskell…), Crime, Fantasy, Mystery (There’s nothing like a good spy thriller) and Romance…  Hmm…  To be completely honest, most of the books I have added to the ‘read’ list are from “my younger and more vulnerable years…”  (50 STL points if you know where that quotation is from!)  I just felt like adding lots of series of YA books which I read years and years ago, so that it looks like I’ve read more books…  (Guilty giggle…)  My literary taste has since matured (I hope)…

I have most recently finished The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes  The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Clever, witty and intriguing…

I have a variety of books on my to-read list:

Or, in more physical terms, here is the pile of spanking-new books which are making me feel guilty:
“READ ME,” I hear them cry at night.  I have bought all of these (Jane Austen’s Letters was signed by the editor, Deirdre Le Faye, whom I met!), or they were given to me; however, I will probably have to take a trip to my local Red Cross charity shop to see if I can spot the others on my ‘to-read list,’ or else borrow them from my local library.

I am currently reading The Paris Magazine (Published by the bookshop Shakespeare & Co., which I posted about here), Middlemarch (although, I have only read a page or two so far, so that perhaps shouldn’t count) and Wordsworth’s Poetry (which I have already posted about here).

Somersaulting Through Life is currently reading:

If you have any helpful recommendations, please let me know!  Feel free to add me on Goodreads, too.


P.S.  Yes, I agree.  These Goodreads widgets are rather delectable.  The charming little book covers will soon be added to my new right-hand sidebar